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Olympic Valley Ski Lease Share Walking Distance to Palisades Tahoe

Ski Lease share membership spots are available in the legendary “Bunker House” located in Olympic Valley, ~1 mi from Palisades Tahoe. The property was built by coaches and members of the U.S. Olympic and World Cup Ski and Cycling Teams and includes 5 bedrooms and 4 full baths. The house was recently renovated with an updated open-concept kitchen and high-end appliances.

House Amenities

* Newer 6-person hot tub located on a 1500 sq ft large deck
* Indoor dry sauna
* Well-equipped, spacious, renovated kitchen
* 2 separate seating areas
* Large dining table
* Stone fireplace
* Good quality, reliable internet
* Ample storage
* 5-7 parking spots (depending on snow, vehicle size, and if garage unit is occupied)
* guests welcome for a fee

View house photos (opens in a new window)

About the ski lease share membership

The lease is limited to ~14 people so everyone gets a bed at any and all times – no need to schedule a weekend in advance only to have your plans change, or risk missing a good powder day because the house is full. Members include professionals of all ages, skiers and snowboarders at varying skill levels. We enjoy a good apres session yet we are not a party house (in case that is what you are looking for).

Avoid the traffic by staying in the valley! Avoid driving at all by using the FREE Mountaineer service that picks up right at the front door (7:00 AM – 10:00 PM)!


Rate: Final rate TBD based on the total number of members but will likely be ~$3500 plus ~$1600 deposit for security, utilities, supplies, plowing, cleaning, etc.

Happy to provide more details if interested.


Thank you for your interest in our ski lease! Please fill out our Google Contact form to apply and we will get in touch.

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